Debbie Tallis Ph.D

Helping you find a way forward….


Are you curious to find out why you feel stuck or blocked and cannot move forward?

Do you feel as if you are procrastinating, are invisible or undervalued?  If your answer is yes, then welcome to this site.

I work with people who have physical problems, emotional blocks from their past and/or mental blocks that they can’t seem to remove, or who are seeking answers about themselves. Through my practice with sound therapy and energy therapies we can work together to help you become the person you want to be.

Really very relaxing, balancing & overall a fabulous experience by a very thoughtful, able &  sensitive practitioner.
(SB talking about a gong/sound bath session)

About Me



Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.
Darryl Anka

About Me

My background was in academia (psychology and later law) until my body decided to stop me. It woke me up to listen to it as I developed inflammatory arthritis to add to other chronic conditions I already had. What I have learnt from these health issues is to listen and now I am more aware that, if I do not, then my body will develop something that will physically stop me in my tracks. This enabled me to evolve to become an energy and sound practitioner through these life challenges. I was in so much pain, both mentally and physically that I wanted to find a way to get out of this state. Modern medicine could only give me medical treatment to deal with the symptoms but I wanted to find the source of why I was like this. What was causing my body to be unable to walk? What was it trying to tell me?

I looked into many complementary therapies and tried different types. I learnt a lot more about the mind-body relationship. I read books such as Dr. Bruce Lipton’s “The Biology of Belief” and found a course on hypnotherapy. At this time I realised I was very unlikely to practice as a Barrister as I would not be able to fulfill doing a pupillage with my body full of inflammation.

I signed up to do Cognitive Hypnotherapy over a year and this was the start of opening my eyes to the possibilities of both helping myself and working with others to help them help themselves. This led me to train in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Matrix-reimprinting, Reiki, Colour Psychology using Colour Mirrors ( and finally, sound. I first trained in sound using tuning forks and found gongs by chance. I was attending a chanting workshop in Devon run by Sheila Whittaker ( who had many gongs in her living room. I asked if she would play her 60” gong – which she did and I fell in love! The sound gave me goosebumps. I enrolled to do her gong practitioner course and now have six gongs of my own!

I feel I have come a long way over the years. Yes, sometimes I do not listen to my body and then suffer the consequences, having a flare-up or being unwell in some other way. However, I believe that the experiences I have been through in life have led me to do something that I love: being able to facilitate change in myself and others by using the different modalities I have experienced and learnt.

Sound Therapy

I became a Member of the College of Sound Healing in 2017 after completing a year long course to become a Gong Practitioner under the tutelage of Sheila Whittaker. (

I love sound, the vibrations and frequencies that emanate from the gong. It has a magical way of confusing the brain to get it into a meditative state that helps a person to feel relaxed and less stressed.

When I work with individuals using either gongs, tuning forks and/or other complementary instruments such as singing bowls, drums and chimes I have the intention that it is the individual’s time – it is their time for healing. Whatever their intention might be, my intention is that they gain whatever is for their highest good. The frequencies that come from the gong are made from compound sounds when I am striking it. I allow the gong to play through me as it does what it needs to do for the recipient. Every time I play it produces different sounds even if I feel that I am doing the same thing!

Often people come for a specific reason and have their own intention for what they want/need out of a session. I feel that sound frequencies have an impact with or without intention, but with intention we are being specific as to where and what we would like them to heal or work on. Sound affects every cell in our body: as the body is made up of approximately 60% water: the vibrations are going to affect them. I do not know how listening to the gong or other sound instruments works to heal (whether this be physical, emotional or spiritual) but I do know that it can have a profound effect on an individual. I love what I am doing and am so grateful that my journey led me to find sound.

When I got home after the session I sobbed for an hour….but following on from that, I had a really productive week following my gong bath and have felt a lot more positive. Debbie is very skilful in her gonging as I thought that there was more than one person playing! She creates a wonderful safe space and has some beautiful instruments.

What to expect from a session:

After you arrive, I will talk to you to find out if you have any medical conditions that may be affected by the sounds e.g. if you wear hearing aids or have tinnitus. When you are comfortable, I will talk you through some breathing techniques to aid your relaxation. I will first play some of the complementary instruments and then start to play the gongs. This will last for around 40-50 minutes: when the gongs have finished sounding, I will play some of the other instruments to enable you to start coming back into the room. After playing the instruments, I will give you several minutes of silence (Shunyata) to allow the sounds to integrate in your body. Then I will ask you to become aware of your surroundings.

Gong Session: £40

Tuning Forks Session: £40

Sessions are tailored to your needs in a non-judgmental and confidential way. You can visit me in person, via Skype or phone.

How many sessions you need depends on you – you may find resolution to an issue in one session.

Therapies Offered

Colour Mirrors

What is Colour Therapy?

As a trained sound therapist, hypnotherapist, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Reiki and Colour Mirrors practitioner and teacher I use different techniques tailored to the individual. I can help you to help yourself dealing with problems such as fear, phobia, negative thinking, weight issues, lack of confidence or any other block that you have preventing you from moving forward in your life.

Colour Mirrors uses colour to help identify blocks that keep you doing things that are not beneficial to you. This patterned behaviour is learnt from earlier experiences when, for example, you may have been scared of water because you had a bad experience in the sea. At the time this fear was rational and your body responded in a way to protect you and keep you safe. So the next time your body was triggered to “protect” you responded in a physiological way (this is a ‘fight or flight’ response) and perhaps causing you to have a panic attack or create a phobia about water/sea.

Using the Colour Mirrors bottles can help you identify underlying issues. For example, if you choose a red bottle, this may indicate survival issues. It may present as a problem with health, food issues or relationships. A blue bottle may suggest not being heard, guilt, stress and feeling that you don’t have enough. It may present physically in the throat area. By choosing a particular bottle or spray that you are drawn to, is your body bringing issues and patterns to the surface that can be addressed?

Colour Mirrors is a system that will make your life more colourful, abundant and fun!  We help you see yourself more clearly in the mirror of colour and once you have acknowledged your own power and beauty, everything else will fall into place so that you can live a life of abundant joy.”

Melissie Jolly

Sessions are tailored to your needs in a non-judgmental and confidential way. You can see me in person, via Skype or phone.  I have an hourly rate of £40, and adjust for parts of an hour as needed or required.

How many sessions you need depends on you – you may find resolution to an issue in one session.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT works by tapping points on the body which cause a disruption in the body’s energy system, thereby removing negative patterns and blocks.

As a result, negative emotions and even physical pain can diminish and fade very quickly. EFT is gentle, has no ill effects and can be very effective on its own, with Matrix reimprinting, or as part of a programme of different therapies.

You may have seen this technique referred to as ‘Tapping’, as it involves tapping on a series of points on the face, hands and upper body, whilst thinking about aspects of your problem: this helps to release the blockage and allow the body to come back into balance, so that the memory remains but the emotional attachment to it reduces or goes completely.

Matrix Reimprinting (also known as Matrix) is a meridian tapping therapy that works on emotional and/or physical issues and was evolved from EFT by Karl Dawson. Matrix considers past negative memories as being held in the body-field as pictures or holograms (which Karl named Energy Consciousness Holograms or ECHO’s) (

The practitioner helps you to tune into ECHO’s relating to the present day emotion affecting your health or well-being to reframe the memory so that the emotion attached to it goes. It does not take away what happened in the past, but releases the stress and trauma from the event.

I have an hourly rate of £40, and adjust for parts of an hour as needed or required.

As Karl states: “Matrix Reimprinting has grown into a whole host of exciting protocols, including ones which can transform:

  • Addictions
  • Phobias
  • Allergies
  • Negative core-beliefs
  • Birth traumas
  • Relationships issues

and many more. You can even work with past-lives and future selves, and also enhance your work with the Law of Attraction


Sessions are tailored to your needs in a non-judgmental and confidential way. You can visit me in person, via Skype or phone.

How many sessions you need depends on you – you may find resolution to an issue in one session.


Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) treatments are used for stress reduction, relaxation and promotes well-being. It is a Japanese technique based on the idea that “life force energy” – the energy that gives us life and flows through our bodies, is low. When this happens we are more likely to become unwell or feel stress. Reiki helps your body to re-energise thereby aiding positive wellbeing.

Reiki can be used by laying hands on, or above different positions of the body to balance your energy system. I can also use colour bottles ( and/or crystals in various places around or on the body to enhance the experience to help with an emotional or physical problem.

I have an hourly rate of £40, and adjust for parts of an hour as needed or required.

Sessions are tailored to your needs in a non-judgmental and confidential way. You can see me in person, via Skype or phone.

How many sessions you need depends on you – you may find resolution to an issue in one session.

Medical Disclaimer:

I am not a medical doctor and therefore cannot give medical advice. Please be aware that whatever form of therapy you have with me is in no way intended to replace any medical advice or treatment given to you. You are responsible for your physical and/or emotional well-being during and after any session. Always seek the advice of a medical practitioner if you have any health concerns.

Personal Development

I have trained in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Matrix re-imprinting.  I now tailor sessions for people by taking account of their specific needs.  Although I am not practising in Hypnotherapy, I use the various tools I have learnt from the different modalities for a unique session.  It may involve using some hypnotherapy techniques, some Matrix re-imprinting and colour.  For some, it could be a split session of the above and sound.

The cost of an initial consultation is £65 (this is usually 1.5 – 2 hours). Thereafter, it is £45 per hour.

After training in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, I did the Master Practitioner course which included the Project You coaching programme.

I have been trained in EMIPlus (by Nigel Hetherington: ) to help resolve emotional and problematic past incidents.

Sessions are tailored to your needs in a non-judgmental and confidential way. You can visit me in person, via Skype or phone.

How many sessions you need depends on you – you may find resolution to an issue in one session.

Contact Me

Interested in any sessions? Get in touch with me via the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Tel: 01395 516273 or 07940 590722


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